Sunday, February 9, 2025

Hero of Competence

Five men met at a crossroads and one slew the other four. That was common enough, but strangely, he said this.
"Each of those men committed a crime. The first was weakness, the second incapability, the third powerlessness, and the fourth clumsiness. Until now you have regarded trivialities as sins and ignored the true transgressions. Correct your behavior."
Everyone who heard the story reconsidered his way of life, not wishing to be killed by a powerful warrior. In the end, the people as a whole concluded they ought to hunt him down and kill him rather than be found wanting by his standards instead of their own.
They confronted the man, but he simply laughed. "Don't you know? The men I killed are the north, the south, the east, and the west, for everyone in every direction is at fault and will die someday until you realize your own incompetence are what keep you from immortality. As for me, I don't represent anything. I'm just the first to figure it out."
The people of the world stabbed him for hours without killing him, at the end of which they admitted they were bad. He told them that was the foundation and left. From that day, true sages began to appear in the world.

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