Sunday, June 23, 2024

Riparian Philosophy

One day, a philosopher saw a river and decided to think about it. He thought, he pondered, he conjectured, and he even meditated despite his aversion to the practice. However, whatever he did, he only became more agitated.
"It is impossible to think about the same river twice! How frustrating it is. What am I to do?"
Just then, a god materialized. "Become my champion and change the underlying processes of the world!"
"Oh, a god. I'd rather think about you than this river."
"By all means."
The philosopher considered, contemplated, and scrutinized the god, despite the violation of alliteration. He became unnerved as a result.
"It's really quite strange to think about the same thing twice. This must be one of the properties of the gods, that you are static."
"It is," the god confirmed. "Now that you understand that much, farewell."
The god disappeared, and for the rest of his life the philosopher was able to incorporate dynamism into his philosophies properly.

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