Monday, December 18, 2023

I Imagine This Is What Animal Fantasy Is Like

Once there was a bear so big and hairy that nobody was hairier or bigger. So he went wandering. First he trained with the hawks, and soon he could jump higher than any bear ever could. Second he trained with the humans, and soon he could pick up things in his claws so that they'd never escape. Third he trained with the mice, and soon nobody could hear his coming. He traveled around after that too, and he pretty much learned it all.
The sole quest for a hero of that caliber was the search for the golden honey den, so off he went. He didn't know what challenges he'd have to overcome, and wouldn't you know, it was the Blackness Bear. The Blackness Bear had already conquered the den long ago. That meant they had to bite each other. The hero bear did it bigger and better, which means he took over the den and rules over it to this day where he enjoys as much honey as he pleases. Now don't you want to work hard and eat so you can be big and hairy, too?

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