Monday, April 18, 2022

The Creation of Shadows

Enjoying the Contract Renegotiation Festival? What? You don't think we should have a festival for that, or even allow it? Now, you might not know this, but the gods sanction contract renegotiations by their own example.
Once, Day and Night agreed between themselves to split the guardianship of the world evenly. The creatures, the corn, and the fruit all prospered under their eyes that watched together, though most preferred one or the other.
Then one creature, you know which, discovered the use of fire to repel enfolding Night. That guardian met its obligations less and less, and Day made up the difference. At last, Day called Night to account.
"Do you, then, yield all the Earth to me for all time? Or will you resume the proper execution of your duties?"
"Alas, I cannot do as I did before. However, my half of the work can be done in this way. Now and forever, the creatures, the corn, and the fruit, as well as the rocks and the clay, will cast shadows as my spies during your time that I may lighten your burden as I fear you must mine."
And so Day and Night renegotiated their contract to the good of all the world. In that same spirit, why don't we discuss the two cows someone much like me but younger may or may not owe for services possibly rendered to someone much like you, but less dignified?

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