Monday, November 22, 2021

Adaptation Q&A

Q. Why did you leave out important scenes from the source material?
A. Time constraints demand that we make cuts. You don't expect us to cram the whole thing in, do you?
Q. Why did you introduce subplots not in the source material?
A. We had to have something happen, since we cut all that stuff.
Q. Why did you change dialogue to something that takes the same amount of time to say?
A. We received a lot of feedback from people who as far as you know are fans just like you even though they insult fans every chance they get that their wives or girlfriends who don't read fantasy, which they all have for some reason, prefer the new version despite having no familiarity with the old version by their own admission.
Q. I've seen that and a couple other arguments so often, I'm starting to think maybe your marketing department paid people to say them.
A. Moderators! Ban this rabble-rouser.

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