Sunday, January 10, 2021

Road Festival

You say the Road Festival is a ludicrous celebration and only an excuse to get out of work? You couldn't be more wrong. Let me tell you why.
Long ago, we had no roads and travel was hard. Boots wore out all the time. Then one day, two brothers fell out with each other. We call them Older Brother and Younger Brother because names hadn't been invented yet. Anyway, they had some words to say over who owned what land. Fences didn't exist then either.
Sometimes words are enough and sometimes they aren't. The feud got rough and Older Brother wanted to take the dispute to some impartial third parties, so he whomped Little Brother and dragged him all the way to town. We don't know what town it was since it didn't have a name for reasons stated earlier.
What the townsfolk thought about the dispute failed to make the histories because both brothers ended up godly rich anyway after people found out how much nicer it was to travel where Younger Brother's back had smoothed out the way. After that the brothers made all kinds of roads, though Younger Brother didn't like doing it so much as Older Brother did.
That's why we hold the Road Festival and pay attention to its lessons. Take nothing for granted, even roads, and always take your brother to court like tradition tells you to.

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